Kaian Hoi / 許嘉恩
b. 1996, Lives and works in Macau
2020 倫敦藝術大學 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 純藝術 碩士
2018 國立臺北藝術大學 美術系 學士
G・流竄——幸福前⼀刻 的習作,牛房倉庫, 澳門
EXiM 2022 實驗錄像活動,市政牧場(舊⽜房), 澳門
Wasteland2.0, hARTslane 畫廊, 倫敦
Finding a click in a haystack, Centro Comercial de Cedofeita購物中心, 波爾圖
Sparkground: On Stage, The house and the stables 酒館 多功能廳, 倫敦
切爾西藝術與設計學院 MA Summer Show 2019, 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 倫敦
Superconceptual, Triangle Gallery, 倫敦
Suffer from realness, 蘇富比藝術學院共同策展, Cookhouse 畫廊, 倫敦
All across Chelsea, Cookhouse 畫廊, 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 倫敦
One night stand, Coco's room 畫廊, 溫布爾登藝術學院, 倫敦
Wasteland, Filet, 倫敦
Gentleness, Cookhouse 畫廊, 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 倫敦
Wicked game, Triangle 畫廊, 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 倫敦
Mooore, 切爾西藝術與設計學院, 倫敦
Spectacular Sensation, Five Bells 酒館畫廊, 倫敦
Moment, The flying Dutchman酒館畫廊, 倫敦
《溫故芝心好友麋鹿》系列聯展-3, 殼牌倉庫, 新北市淡水區鼻頭街22號, 臺灣
國立臺北藝術大學美術系第103級畢業展 「稍縱即逝堡」, 國立臺北藝術大學,
《溫故芝心好友麋鹿》系列聯展-1, 滬水一方藝文展覽空間, 臺北市 淡水,臺灣
Kaian Hoi / 許嘉恩
Artist practitioner
b. 1996, Macau
2020 Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London, MA Fine Art
2018 Taipei University of the Arts, BA Fine Art
Solo Exhibitions
Innovate G: Before happiness, Ox Warehouse, Macau
Group Exhibitions
EXiM 2022 Experimental Video Festival Former Municipal Cattle Stable, Macau
OPEN CLOSE OPEN – 18th Anniversary Collective Exhibition Creative Macau, Macau
Collective Exhibition of Macao Visual Arts, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macau
Wasteland2.0, hARTslane gallery, London
Finding a click in a haystack, Centro Comercial de Cedofeita, Porto
Sparkground: On Stage, The house and the stables Function room, London
Chelsea College of Arts MA Summer Show 2019, Chelsea College of Art, London
Superconceptual, Triangle Gallery, London
Suffer from realness, collaboration with Sotheby's Institute of Art, Cookhouse Gallery, London
All across Chelsea, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Art, London
One night stand, Coco's room, Wimbledon College of Art, London
Wasteland, Filet, London
Gentleness, Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Art, London
Wicked game, Triangle Gallery, Chelsea College of Art, London
Mooore, Chelsea College of Art, London
Spectacular Sensation, Five Bells, London
Moment, The flying Dutchman, London
《溫故芝心好友麋鹿》series of group exhibitions-3, Tamsuishell, Tamsui Culture Foundation, Taiwan
「稍縱即逝堡」: Taipei University of the Arts BFA Year103 Graduation Exhibition, Taipei University of the Arts , Taiwan
《溫故芝心好友麋鹿》series of group exhibitions-1, 滬水一方 Art and cultural exhibition center, Tamsui, Taiwan
【2018 Young Voice】BFA Graduates Recommendation Exhibition, Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung City, Taiwan